
this revolutionary innovation promises you smoother and firmer skin

About 90% of women worldwide suffer from cellulite. Every year, countless studies are conducted, analyzing the experiences and results of patients treated for cellulite, which allows more and more effective solutions to the problem of unwanted cellulite. After 15 years of hard work and research in body contouring and cellulite treatment, the French company “Deleo” developed a unique cellulite treatment technology – Cellution, which allows you to quickly get rid of the “orange peel” effect from your buttocks and thighs, reduce abdominal volume, and enjoy more beautiful body shapes and we were delighted to be the first clinic in the UK to offer this innovative new cellulite busting treatment!

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Schedule A Complimentary Consultation With Dr Rita Rakus or Dr Galyna Selezneva

what is cellution by deleo?

Cellution® embodies the latest technological advance to combat cellulite, skin tightening, lymphatic drainage and slim down the silhouette. This innovative treatment offers an experience skillfully combining 4 cutting-edge technologies in aesthetic medicine with Enhancer™ oil cosmeceutical active ingredients, whose thermal action reveals the full potential of the active ingredients.

It can target 4 different treatment areas:

  • Thighs (Front & Back)
  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen
  • Arms

how does the treatment work?

  • Step 1: Activation and heating of fatty tissue. The first part of the procedure promotes fat release, collagen, and elastin production. The emitted HIFD diode radiation allows the skin to heat up to 42 degrees, controlled heat acts deeply in the hypodermis, causing local fat removal. Cell metabolism is stimulated, cellulite is broken down, and fatty tissue is reduced. Heat also affects the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, promoting skin renewal and firmness.
  • Step 2: Lymphatic drainage massage. After skin heating, follows a lymphatic drainage massage, which adjusts body contours, reduces fatty tissue, firms the skin, and is an excellent preventive measure for circulation disorders, leg swelling, or reducing traumatic pain. Mechanical massage suction causes a deep tissue massage, creating specific mechanical tension in the fatty tissue. This suction reduces fatty tissue and improves blood and lymph circulation. Subcutaneous fatty tissue is broken down
  • Step 3: Introduction of anti-cellulite serum. With the help of the Cellution® device, your body is activated not only by heat but also by introducing a special serum into the skin designed to treat cellulite. Due to the vasodilating effect created by HIFD technology, the serum deeply penetrates the epidermis, and due to the opening of pores and increased metabolic processes caused by thermal effects, active ingredients are directed straight to the dermis and hypodermis cells. This serum is enriched with active ingredients with anti-cellulite properties that regenerate and moisturize the skin, promoting its renewal. These combined actions instantly destroy fatty tissue and restore skin firmness, so you can immediately see a great reduction in cellulite.
  • Step 4 – Collagen production. For this step, vibration waves are used, emitting vibration impulses, specially calibrated to increase microcirculation and lymphatic flow, which is an important moment in the skin renewal process. Collagen production is stimulated more actively, the skin not only tightens, becomes firmer, reduces cellulite but also looks more youthful.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Cellution® treatment session lasts up to 1 hour on average.

There is no downtime required with the Cellution® treatment as it is a non-invasive method. Therefore, you can get back to your normal day as soon as the session is over.

Cellution® is a safe, non-invasive, and painless treatment. Slight redness or bruising may appear. These effects disappear naturally in the hours or days following the session. There is no required downtime.

Results vary from patient to patient, however it usually takes 6 to 10 sessions to obtain an optimal result.

The skin aspect is improved thanks to the reduction of the volume of fat cells, neocollagenesis and lymphatic drainage. Therefore, the result obtained is final. To make your results last and take care of your new silhouette, keeping a balanced diet and maintaining regular physical activity is necessary.