Thermage FLX
Thermage FLX is the latest non-invasive skin tightening treatment using radiofrequency (RF) therapy that can smooth, tighten and contour skin for an overall younger-looking appearance on the face and body.
- Non-invasive, with no surgery and no injections
- Only 1 treatment needed
- Fast and comfortable
- Little to no downtime
- Lasting results
- Can be used on multiple treatment areas and all skin types
- NEW! Non-Invasive Blepharoplasty Eye Lid Lift
- NEW! Thermage FLX Lip Lift - now treat the lip area to lift and subtly enhance the lips - as seen in Sunday Times
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Did you see the article in the Mail On Sunday with Lisa Snowdon talking about her favourite treatment
Thermage FLX with Dr Galyna at the Dr Rita Rakus Clinic?
Click here to read the full article about Lisa's experience!
How does Thermage FLX work?
Step 1: As we age, the collagen that keeps our skin firm breaks down resulting in aging skin that contains fine lines and wrinkles.
Step 2: A Thermage FLX™ treatment uses radiofrequency technology to heat the deeper, collagen-rich layers of the skin.
Step 3: The applied heat causes collagen to contract and encourages new collagen to start growing.
Step 4: This helps create smoother skin after just one treatment with results that continue to improve.

where can thermage flx work for me?
Thermage FLX can achieve fantastic results in multiple areas of the face and body.
- Face - can soften lines around the mouth, eyes and forehead and give improved definition on the jawline and under the chin
- Eyes - can reduce wrinkles and decrease hooding for a more awakened look - Non-invasive blepharoplasty/eyelid lift
- Body - can improve contours and appearance of crepey skin on the abdomen arms, legs, knees and more
- Lips - can now be used to treat the lip area to lift the cupids bow and subtly enhance the lips
NEW! Launching at Dr Rakus the new Thermge FLX Non-Invasive Eyelid lift (blepharoplasty). Thermage FLX is the only FDA approved treatment for eyelids, so while many clinics offer periorbital lift treating around the eye, Dr Rakus and Thermage FLX can treat the actual eyelid so it gives a non-surgical blepharoplasty.
Thermage FLX Lip Lift
A completely new use for Thermage FLX and developed with Dr Rita, the London Lip Queen, we introduce the new Thermage FLX Lip Lift. It is a cutting-edge and increasingly popular approach in non-invasive lip enhancement. Through advanced radiofrequency technology, it rejuvenates the lips by promoting collagen synthesis, addressing concerns like fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging in and around the perioral area. This innovative procedure precisely targets the delicate lip area, tightening and contouring for a more defined and youthful appearance.
The treatment takes less than 30 minutes and there is no pain at all, just a feeling of warmth and, on occasion, very localised heat. There isn’t any redness or inflammation either, which means no downtime at all. You’ll notice an immediate lift of your upper lip and it will look and feel plumper, without the pneumatic effect of many fillers. The full results develop and improve over several months as collagen is synthesized. Offering a subtle and long-lasting lift, the Thermage FLX Lip Lift is a fantastic option for patients wanting younger, fuller and more defined lips without needles and without any downtime.
- No needles
- No filler
- No pain or downtime
- Subtle results which develop over time
- Rejuvenates the whole lip area, lifting cupid's bow, corners of the mouth

Karren Brady CBE had thermage flx and said this about the treatment:
"My favourite tweet was from a women who said: “Karren Brady must have some ugly-looking painting ageing in her attic because she doesn’t age a day and looks better every time she’s on TV. Lots of women have been asking what I have had “done” to my face. Well, I avoid wrinkle injections and fillers. I have seen some horrendous cock-ups which turn naturally beautiful women into waxworks, so that’s really not for me. I shudder at the thought of surgery. As Joan Rivers said: “If you tighten a prune you don’t get a grape. You just get a tight prune.”
I have been having a facial called Thermage FLX with Dr Rita Rakus, who uses a machine that contours the face to make your features more defined. It promotes collagen (something you loose as you get older) and it really has remodelled my face. I feel my skin is a lot firmer and tighter, and dare I agree with some of the comments . . . younger. So, having been on The Apprentice for 11 years, it’s good to know I have managed to turn back the clock."