Daily Mail 14th November 2016

The Ultimate Guide To Anti-Ageing - Thermage by Dr Rakus

The Ultimate Guide To Anti-Ageing

Article Type: Press, Online

Publication: Daily Mail

Published: 14/Nov/2016

The ultimate guide to anti-ageing: From reducing wrinkles, zapping sun damage or simply toning your skin, you can make your skin look younger with no nipping, stitching or downtime

- Definitive tried-and-tested five-part guide starts by examining best facials
- There are a range of prices to suit everybody from £35 right up to £3,990
- Some might hurt quite a lot while others receive 0/100 on the 'ouch factor'

THERMAGE - By Anna Pursglove

Dubbed ‘face ironing’, this treatment involves a hand-held Thermage tip being passed repeatedly over the skin surface to deliver radio frequency energy into its deepest layers where collagen is found. The RF energy damages the collagen, making it recoil, tighten and then repair.

How it feels: Early versions of the therapy were apparently quite painful (a bit like being shocked or burned), but advances in the cooling technology of the device mean treatment is almost pain free. When I had it done on my lower face, there was only one sensitive area across my jawbone.

The results: Although some patients report a bit of instant tightening, the best results aren’t seen until six months after treatment, but can last for two and even up to three years.

On the face it’s good for sagging jowls or hooded eyelids, but can also be used on wrinkly hands, baggy knees, saggy tummies, drooping bottoms and wobbly cellulite. Thermage is also suitable for use on any skin tone, whereas some rejuvenating lasers cannot be used on darker skins.

Celebrity fans: Actress Gwyneth Paltrow and model Linda Evangelista.

Ouch factor: 2/10.

Effectiveness: 8/10.

Time taken: One hour.

Where and cost: Treatment with Dr Rita Rakus costs £2,990 for lower face and neck and £3,990 for full face and neck.


34 Hans Rd, Knightsbridge, London SW3 1RW.